Part Number : C041

Beer Hose Assembly(On One End) with SS Tailpiece

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Beer Hose Assembly(On One End) with SS Tailpiece-C041

Clear vinyl tube for beer dispensing has Tailpiece 3/16″ and a length of 5 ft. Can conveniently use the beer hose assembly for distances less than 5 ft. Use of the Chrome plated brass beer hex nut for coupling with the beer shank. It include NSF Pipe, Tailpiece 3/16”, Neoperene Washer, chrome plated
brass beer hex nut, Cable Tie, Poly Bag for Hop & Grain Staining Bags, Cable Marker for
11.11 mm Tube and Worm Clamp {3/16″To 5/16″}.

Vinyl tubing is used for the beer hose in most applications where the distance between
the keg and the faucet is less than 5′. This hose will not rot, swell of dry out and is unaffected by normal beer line cleaning chemicals.

Item no. Part no. Part name
1 C110.01 NSF Pipe
2 C240 Tailpiece 3/16′
3 C116 Neoperene Washer
4 C011.02 Cable Tie
6 C163.70 Cable Tie
7 C110.02 Poly Bag for Hop & Grain Staining Bags
8 C225 Cable Marker for 11.11 mm Tube
